The Big East Fork
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This small chute is where I ended my hike on this day. Further upstream, as I discovered later, there are ever larger cascades and if you go far enough, you encounter the large waterfalls below Graveyard Fields (Yellowstone Falls & Second Falls). Then, through the Graveyard Fields valley, the stream is flat and lazy. At the upper end, the stream pours in over Upper Falls, and this is about as high as most people explore, as above Upper Falls it is a mere trickle. ...Notice I said MOST people. I couldn't resist one day and I dropped down into the true headwaters of this river from the top of Black Balsam Knob. It's just a wet, marshy area up there and it's filled with evil thorny blackberry vines and dense spruce and fir trees. I wouldn't recommend going down there. But now I know!