Upper Falls Trail
At A Glance

3.8 mi one-way
Difficulty Rating: 3.8
Steepness: Hilly
Tread Condition: Some Obstacles
Blaze Color: White Square
Other Map ID: 20
Connects Raven Rock Trail to Lower CCC Trail. Closest access is 1.1 mi from the Jacob Fork parking area. The trail divides the park north and south. It crosses the Jacob Fork River above High Shoals Falls. Be prepared for a stream crossing. The trail continues through the Upper Falls Backcountry Campsite and climbs steeply to a vista. It continues west to Jacob Branch Backcountry Campsite and ends on the Lower CCC Trail. Horses, hikers and bicycle riders share this trail. Jacob Fork, Upper Falls and Jacob Branch backcountry campsites are along this trail.
This trail is located in the South Mountains State Park area. For a list of all the trails in that area, see the South Mountains State Park trails list page.
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[Site Admin] Jordan M. said: Jason, you're right! We had a default setting on this one. It's been updated now!
Jason Young said: This trail is listed as 3.7 miles strenuous on the state park website and map. Hard to reconcile that with 1.8 miles easy.